Monday, July 22, 2013

catch up, grandparents visit

Here is me trying to play catch up with everything that has gone on since the beach...

We spent a lot of time unpacking, doing some wash, putting wash away, and just hanging out in our play room, because I am pretty sure that is what Logan missed the most. Being home is so much easier, with our gates and the normalness. I miss the beach, but I love the comfort.

We were quickly thrown into company mode because my parents came into town the Wednesday after we got back. It was really nice seeing them. Logan has only met them in person once, when he was 2 months, so it was nice to see them interact with him. Jackson loves his grandparents to pieces and loved every minute of playing with grandma and grandpa. I am so thankful that my parents still "play" and know how to "play" and more importantly (at least I think) enjoy playing. My kids are always devastated when they leave. Can I just say a shout out to my step-mom who babysat logan twice while they were here! I got to go to the pool, and lay on a chair and not move for more than a minute. It was amazing. Logan did so well too, makes me optimistic about leaving him home more often.

I made some yummy whole wheat banana bread, mini ones. Then I wrapped them in twine, because I was bored....
First attempt at home made pizza dough. This is pre-rise. Just FYI for people who have never done this before. my recipe took a good 5 hours total....worth it though!
Grilled the dough, topped with teleggio cheese, ricotta mixed with graded parm, fresh arugula and a little big of truffle oil. My dad said I was making healthy pizza....I think because of the arugula, it was anything but healthy. super yum though!
I love fresh flowers. I made all these little arrangements and put them throughout the house. They smelled so good too!
J man and my pops (Grandpa) at the pool
Jackson has to eat every time we go to the pool, and I have to take pictures of him while we wait...
Grandma took these pictures. They apparently like to get really close to her camera

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