We ended up coming back on Friday since it was raining all day there.
The drive was a lot more successful than the way down. We made it home in under Five hours. We didn't stop. My gas light went on as I was pulling into our neighborhood. Logan cried and whined for basically the last two hours, but not so bad that he threw up, so that was a positive!
Thanks to my amazing mother in law we only had one little bag of dirty cloths. One little bag! We came home with all clean beach towels too. Crazy! The only issue I had was that the clean ladies came and we had a bunch of dirty sheets to be washed (not really a something I should complain about) and we also had some laundry in every basket in each room so I spent the weekend getting every bit of dirty clothing clean and put away. Now Michael's bag, which was the last to be packed, is officially the last to be unpacked...get with it Zung!
Today we spent our last day of vaca at one of our favorite wineries, Quattro Goomba. Wasn't the same with out my little brother (he was with us last time we were there) but they have great wine, beautiful scenery and wine slushies, perfect for a hot day. Logan loves being outside so we had a blast.
I am depressed, but also feeling blessed....no more drinking before noon and showering for the first time after 5pm, no more cheat days and skipping my work outs, no more having my wash done and folded for me, no more late night catch phrase laughs, no more elevator/pool table/hot tub/private pool......
Here are my goals I set pre-vacation...lets see how good I am at setting goals-
- To work out every day, other than travel days, although I should probably try to work out on travel days as well - This did not happen, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, I worked out, took off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Sat I ran and lifted and today I biked...whatever.....
4. Slow down, take it in, relax, and focus on the moment (try it, its not as easy as it sounds)- I don't think I am very good at this BUT- one morning Michael, Logan and I (Jackson had gone to his dads) went out to the beach early, there were crabs everywhere, dolphins swimming non stop right in front of us, there was a storm off shore and the sky was amazing and, I took every minute in.
5. Drink more water than alcohol- I am really bad at this too.....but I know I drank a lot of water at night!
6. No flip outs during travel- super fail on the way down, pretty good on the way back
7. Get tan, without getting burned- never got burned..not even a little..holler!
8. No gainage of weightage- I have no idea, clothes still fit, will weigh myself at the end of the week to see how bad it is....
9. Bond a little bit with everyone in the house- definitely feel as though spending time with my inlaws was very much needed and I loved it
10. Have fun, show respect to everyone I meet, smile, laugh and enjoy every minute of it -big Check! at least this one I am one hundred percent sure I did....
Heres to my attempting to keep up the blog while I am back at work. This week will be craaaazy but I will try to keep this up.
Hope whoever is reading this, is enjoying it.
Such cute pictures!! :)